a Gargoyle's Lair graphic
a Gargoyle's Lair graphic
Quake Run Guy Quake Axe Guy

Even though he has told you to move on and explore the castle, you decide to ask Gargoyle one more question. You are surprised that he talks on and on about "The Hunt."

OK earthling, listen up. Quake is the game. It is how I hunt. To learn more about Quake and get all the latest news, see the buttons below for links to Blue's News and Redwood's. The best Quake conglomerates are Stomped and Planet Quake. You should also look into QuakeWorld and GameSpy for they together provide the most advanced multi-player environment for the internet.

Blues Stomped PlanetQuake GameSpy QuakeWorld

In a Quake game I am and to you I say HOOAH! I hunt with a band of soldiers-of-fortune from .

BTW - to correctly pronounce Lagitus you take the 3 words: lag, it and us, and say them together with the emphasis on the first sylable. Say it ... Lag-it-us ... there that's better.

If you do see us in action and don't die instantly, then say hello. Are those great uniforms (known as skins) or what?

My clan and division have opened comm links for dialog with punny humans such as yourself. Join either channel #lagitus or #lagitus_gz on irc.GamesNET.net if you wish to chat. We also maintain a web site with clan information and accept challenges for QW Death Match.

If you are interested in how other people configure their Quake controls, here is my QuakeWorld v2.21 optimized autoexec.cfg and a secondary weapons system too. Both of these files must be placed in your \quake\id1 directory.

In case you are wondering what Lagitus means, you can learn all about that on our clan web site or on Lag City. In short, network lag is one of the key factors in playing real time action games via the internet. If you do play Quake and end up in High Ping Hell, then you probably already appreciate some of the things we "Lag's" endure.

A fun pasttime that our clan founder, Zaphoid, created is "Spank the LPB". LPBs (Low Ping Bastards) are lucky folks that have superior internet connections via ISDN, cable modem, etc. These connections usually have a 2 to 10+ times advantage in speed and react times while playing Quake. Talk about unfair advantage! But we "Lags" love to play these LPBs because in many cases we will beat them. That's right, a 10 times advantage, but we use skill to overcome the technical advantages. When we Lags beat an LPB, otherwise known as 'spanking the LPB', then we collect the screenshot as proof of a good spanking.

Here is a recent Spank the LPB screenshot. Do you measure up?

LPB Spank Shot - QuakeWorld

a Gargoyle's Lair graphic
Tank from Quake2 Quake2 logo Infantry from Quake2

You can get Quake2 at your favorite software store or you can call id Software directly at 1-800-IDGAMES to order. I like the new weapons in Quake2 and I am really glad I got a fast new PC (P2-300 with 128mb RAM) with a 3D graphics accelerator (AGP CL TNT Riva) because the visual effects and levels are great. My favorite Quake2 game is Capture the Flag.

Here is my Quake2 configuration file (autoexec.cfg.) This file must be placed in your \quake2\baseq2 directory.

Yes, we Spank'em in Quake2 also.

LPB Spank Shot - Quake2

a Gargoyle's Lair graphic

image copyright id Software

Quake 3 Arena is here ...
at last, a game optimized for internet multiplayer DeathMatch!

The Q3 demo is out and you can get it here.
Here are two Q3 thumb nails released from id Software.
Click on them to see the full quality and resolution this game provides.
Go ahead, look at that quality and it's rendered in real time 3D!

image copyright id Software image copyright id Software

In long time between Quake2 and Quake3 ... Clan Lagitus disbanded.
The remaining members formed a new clan called, Explosive Space Modulators.
You can visit us here.

ESM Rocks!

Oh yea, the spank-a-roo in Quake3 too.

LPB Spank Shot - Quake3

We are playing Unreal Tournament also ... so I included a real Unreal spank ;-)

LPB Spank Shot - Unreal Tournament

You wanna frag with us? ... don't hesitate to come chat or challenge us.
We can be found on #modulators on the ETG irc network.

a Gargoyle's Lair graphic